Moorestown Creates announces 2017 Upcycle Art Challenge winners

This year, high school art students in Moorestown were asked to create artwork out of plastic shopping bags.

Emily Keifline
The Moorestown Sun
2 min readJun 17, 2017


Moorestown Creates is Sustainable Moorestown’s arts committee. They launched the Upcycle Art Challenge last year as a means to show how items normally thrown in the trash can be repurposed and used to make amazing art and to build awareness about recycling. In 2016, plastic bottle caps was the medium; this year, high school art students in Moorestown were asked to create artwork out of plastic shopping bags. Moorestown Creates accepted entries from individuals and groups. Winners of the 2017 Upcycle Art Challenge are:


1st Place — Mask of Gaia by Chiara Trinchieri

2nd Place — Nature in Plastic by Hannah Corbin

3rd Place — Plastic Plunder by Eliza Pluckhorn


1st Place — Recycled Headpiece by Thomas Trasser and Bridget O’Neill

2nd Place — The Basket Cases by Juliana Sommesse, Logan Smith, Julia Pierson and Caroline Kienzle

3rd Place — The Leap Frogs by Rachel Liu, Jessica Rodriguez and Megan Wu

