Moorestown Library to get shipwrecked

On Wednesday, Feb. 21, shipwreck researcher Dan Lieb will discuss an interesting find in Jersey waters.

Kelly Flynn
The Moorestown Sun
1 min readJan 22, 2018


On Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 7 p.m., the Historical Society of Moorestown, in conjunction with the Moorestown Library, will present, “Beyond Shipwrecks: Exploring a Sunken Locomotive off the New Jersey Coast.”

New Jersey’s famed underwater explorer, shipwreck researcher Dan Lieb, returns to the Moorestown Library to discuss a mysterious find off the Jersey Coast: a sunken locomotive.

Lieb will explore the questions of: How did a train end up in the ocean? How long has it been there?What sorts of treasures have been discovered inside this railroad relic?

This event is free and open to everyone. You may register to attend at Contact Elizabeth J. Rosenthal at for further information, or call (856) 235–0353.

