Moorestown Water Group Launches White Ribbon Campaign

The Moorestown Sun
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2016

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Kati Angelini[/caption]

The Moorestown Water Group announces their ​White Ribbon Campaign​, a mission which aims to raise awareness among residents regarding the serious water issues discovered in the town’s water supply roughly three years ago. The group has made serious strides in educating the community about the ​five​ known contaminants currently found in their water — both man­made and naturally occurring — through their monthly meetings and Facebook page.

The Moorestown Water Group was instrumental in convincing the town to shut down their contaminated well upon learning that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection believed the toxic contaminants could have an increased cancer risk on Moorestown families.

They also worked tirelessly with local Assemblymen, Congressmen and government agencies to push the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to retest a documented superfund site in Moorestown less than a mile from the contaminated well in order to find the possible source of the toxins. Recently, the EPA notified the group of their decision to retest — this decision by the EPA is pivotal for the community since currently the cleanup is something that will burden taxpayers.

For more information or to receive a ribbon and support the campaign, interested residents can attend the Moorestown Water Group monthly meetings or join the ​Moorestown Water Facebook Page​ which posts constant updates about the water crisis in Moorestown and what is being done by local officials to clean up the problem.

For more information you can email the group at: In addition, you can contact group member, Kati Angelini for further details at (609­) 332-­2172 or ​

