Senior citizens’ trip to Atlantic City planned
The Moorestown Department of Parks and Recreation will host a senior citizens’ trip to Resorts Casino in Atlantic City on Monday, Nov. 11.
The bus will depart from the First Presbyterian Church parking lot at 9:30 a.m. and returns at approximately 7:45 p.m.
The trip will include a buffet lunch and a Veterans Musical Tribute at 3 p.m. The trip will also include $20 in slot dollars and bus transportation.
Registration forms and fees are due no later that two weeks prior to the trip to the Department of Parks and Recreation Office, located at 2 Executive Dr. Suite 9A, Moorestown.
For more information, please call 914–3093 or Rose Cairo at 722–1042.
Tickets are $31 per person. All checks must be payable to the Evergreen Women’s Club.