Speak Up! In Moorestown

The Moorestown Sun
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2012

SpeakUp! will return to Moorestown High School on Wednesday, Feb. 8. Registration will be held from 6 to 6:45 p.m. The event will be held from 6:45 to 9:30 p.m.

A committee of MHS students planning SpeakUp! chose five topics for this year’s event including: sex/relationships, life changes/transitions, parent-teen communication, alcohol and drugs and self worth/self image.

The opening speaker will be Lisa Corcoran, who has worked with Family Forum for 15 years, was the marketing director for two and an instructor for STEP parenting classes for five years.

As a mother of nine children, she has put into practice the techniques for effective parenting she teaches.

Lisa has translated her wealth of experience and practical application of those concepts into knowledge that goes far beyond what one might gain in the classroom.

Following the opening speaker will be breakout sessions on the five topics in which students, parents and educators can voice their opinion on the topic in a safe and nonjudgmental manner.

This gives everyone an opportunity to look at the topic from different perspectives. Parents will not be in the same breakout session as their children, so as to allow for comfort and openness.

All parents, high school students and educators are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is now open for parents, high school students and educators by visiting visit www.speakup.org.

Only students who pre-register and attend the program will receive community-service hours. Please register early.

