Take a bow, scholarship winners

The Moorestown Sun
Published in
1 min readSep 12, 2011

Every time lines of a play are delivered on stage, a brush sweeps across a canvas, or notes ring through the air, art enriches the lives of those who produce it and those who admire it. The philosophy that art is a necessity, not a luxury was the catalyst for the formation of the Moorestown Arts Advocacy Council, now known as MoorArts. For over 20 years, this non-profit organization has been dedicated to supporting the fine and performing arts in Moorestown Township public schools by administering thousands of dollars in grants and awards, as well as sponsoring events that expand exposure of the arts to our community and beyond.

Encouraging young artists is a key part of the MoorArts mission. Since 1991, the organization has awarded over 160 scholarships in the visual arts, vocal and instrumental music, theatre, and cross-cultural art to Moorestown High School seniors. Many of the students who received these scholarships now have promising careers in arts fields.

Taking a bow this year, the following Moorestown High School graduates are the recipients of the 2011 MoorArts Scholarships:

• Todd Hullfish — The Leslie Binter Scholarship.

• Gabrielle Townsend — The Kathy Tolman Scholarship.

• Everett Mason — The Cross Cultural Scholarship.

• Taylor Bear, Nicholas Birbilis, Audrey Kindsfather, Nicholas Paglione — Instrumental Scholarship.

• Alisha Kothari, Jillian Boehm — Theatre Scholarship.

• Morgan Bickmore, Caroline Birsner — Visual Arts Scholarship.

• Tyler Griffis, Alexandra Harbet, Alexis Hopper, Charlie Rothman — Vocal Scholarship.

