Netflix Is Making Me An Addict

3 Ways to Help Your Binge Watching Addiction

China Dennington
The Morning Bel
2 min readMar 9, 2019


You finally have some free time. What a glorious feeling. You can anything you want. But now the question is, what do you want to do? Like most people you’ll probably fall into the trap of binge watching Netflix for 10 hours, but here are three hobbies you can try out that you might find surprisingly addictive:

  1. Photography and Videography

Have you always admired art and amazing photographs? If you are more tech-oriented, this is a great choice. Take some time and learn how to make some of these creations yourself. The internet is a plentiful resource for tips and instructional videos about lighting, angles, etc. If you are more interested in videography, you can start making your own shorts or start a YouTube channel. Go browse YouTube for some inspiration. There are music channels, travel channels, the wonderful world of “BookTube”, and so much more.

2. Writing Poetry

You don’t have to be that next Kaur or Keats. Your poetry may rhyme or it may not. It’s up to you, just like the length and subject matter. This hobby is fascinating because it actually doesn’t take that much time. Try scrawling out a poem every day for a month and you’ll have thirty poems. They may not be brilliant, but they will be an expression of you and that’s valuable. If you do have some time to devote to it, all the better! It’s relatively easy to write four poems a day and have over a hundred by the end of the month. Express yourself and use it as a form of journaling.

3. Starting a Club

This may be an informal group of friends or a more formal organization on campus if you’re a student. This hobby allows for a good deal of flexibility. A book club is always a straightforward, enjoyable option. You could also build meetings around a favorite fandom, language, bird-watching, or just about anything else that you find interesting. If you like the organizational side of things, then this is a good option.

Try out several hobbies until you find one that really suits you. There are an abundance of them. Instead of binge-watching for nine hours straight (which, let’s admit, we’re all liable to do), try something new. Expand your horizons and enjoy!

