Way Round We Go

The Inevitability of Situationships.

Danny Morph
The Morphean
5 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi

There is a profound question that I dread because it wields the power to change the trajectory of every relationship. Emma had decided it was time to alter the course of ours, and of course, she began with the dreaded phrase—

“We need to talk.” And abbrasively sauntered into the kitchen.

Donnie smiled sardonically and patted me on the shoulder as I felt my throat enter my mouth. Trouble was brewing.

“You know what that means.” My friend winked at me. “All I can wish you is good luck, bro.”

I nodded, brushed off his hand, and followed Emma into the kitchen, away from the guests mingling around the living area.

“What is going on, Emma?” I enquired as I entered the unkempt kitchen, littered with party props and crumbs. “It is a party, and we should be having fun. What’s wrong?”

She relaxed her back against the counter, but her countenance was fiery. Her pupils had contracted, and she was biting her lips with slender hands folded across her chest.

“Seriously, what is going on? Are you OK?”

She maintained the posture and the reflexive motions, unresponsive to my enquiry, but evoking a tensile ambience. I walked towards her, but she repulsed my approach and moved towards the dishwasher, reiterating her stance.

“What are you doing? There are guests outside for God’s sake.”

She hissed. “I am fed up, Sunny. All I have desired from the start of our relationship was for you to be honest and truthful. But you feign ignorance and insist on being annoying and indecisive.”

“Ignorant about what exactly? I am so lost.”

“You want me to be direct? Fine. I can be direct. Tell me for once and please tell me the truth– what do you want from this relationship? What is the end game here?”

“The endgame? I doubt this is the time for such a discussion. We can chat when the guests are gone. Alright?”

She grimaced. “We shall talk now. Listen, I can not stand idly by as you denigrate me before your friends. How can you go around flirting with every girl at the party when I am serving your guests? Is that fair? I am tired of your shit, Sunny.”

“I wasn’t flirting, Emma. I was talking with them. Don’t tell me you are jealous of the people whom my friends invited? I’m simply being courteous. That is what I am meant to do as a host.”

“Do not lie or act like I am being oversensitive or jealous. I saw you flirting with them. What’s her name? The one with the braids – Laura. Yes. I spoke with her, and she said, “The host is fun. I’m so glad he is single.” Imagine my surprise!”

“Who is Laura? So is that what you have been doing? Watching my every move? That’s weird, Emma. I mean, you were talking with others too. Did you see me get mad?”

“You know I have been entertaining the guests. I wasn’t flirting, but I could bet my life that you took her number.”

“Whose number?”


“Who is Laura? I have spoken with a lot of people today. I can not remember half their names. You need to stop.”

Her eyes were teary. “So, if I call her into the kitchen right now, she would confirm that you didn’t collect her digits?”

I exhaled and walked slowly towards the raging belle. She didn’t rebuff me, so I slowly wiped the single rivulet that had escaped her eyelids down to her cheek.

“Please don’t cry. You need to calm down, sweetheart. I am only here for you, and all I was doing out there was chatting with old friends and making new ones. Nothing more, and that doesn’t make you less.”

“But what am I to you? What are we doing? If you are saying you are single, then it means I am unimportant to you. Right?”

“I never said that. Come on, girl.”

“So what are we doing? Is this a long-term fling or what? What do you want?”

I placed my hands on her shoulders. “Seriously Emma, what we have is good. What we are or what we aren’t doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we care for each other.”

She heaved a sigh, smirked, and shoved my hands away from her body.

“So, this is what it is? Little wonder we keep moving in circles. One minute it’s smooth sailing, and the next, you disappear. The last time it was two months before you returned my calls, and you give the most ludicrous reasons for your absence and wanton ways, but for some confound reason, I continue to linger like a moron.”

“That is not true. You are not a —”

“It is the truth. You don’t need me. I am here for your abuse and amusement. Off and on. Round and round we go. A complete roller coaster. That’s how you use me, but that’s over. I promise you.”

She walked towards the kitchen door.

“Come on Emma. Why do you want to ruin a good thing?”

“Cos I have come full circle and there is nothing here for me. It is one thing for you to keep stunting behind my back but doing it in the same vicinity — with a girl that I served drinks — it’s inhumane and awful.”

She slowly turned towards me. “Truth is, I did love you, but I made the mistake of not clearly defining what this was. You don’t love me. I doubt you love yourself or anyone else. I wish you a happy life, but I am done.”

She posthaste from the kitchen. I rushed towards the door but I couldn’t stop her from leaving. A small crowd of eavesdroppers had gathered outside the doorway, blocking my route to Emma.

“Wow!” The braided Laura appeared before me with chagrin. “To think I gave a single guy my number. Don’t call me, douchebag!”

Her cocktail splashed into my face, burning my eyes and engendering a jeer from the crowd. Laura hissed and walked away.

“I was not lying.” I called out to her.

“You will explain and be tired.” Someone responded from within the onlookers, and the crowd laughed and gradually dispersed.

Donnie emerged and put his hand around my shoulder. “What a way to throw and end a party? Told you to be careful with the good ones. It is quite difficult to find one, but it is easy to lose them too.”

“Not now, Donnie.” I snarled, tasting some of the cocktail on my lips.

“When then? Sunny, you forgot the major rule. Only play the games you can win...”

“Or way down you go. I know.” I patted my wet shirt. “I shall get her back.”

Donnie chuckled. “Forgot another rule, mate. When a woman is fed up, there is nothing you can do about it, but good luck.”

