How Steve Jobs Became Great at Giving Talks

Good Grey
The Mosaic
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2024


Steve Jobs was famous for giving amazing talks about Apple’s new products. But he wasn’t always good at it. In fact, he used to be very nervous about speaking in public!

Steve’s Big Problem

When Steve Jobs first started, he was terrible at giving talks. He was so scared before his first TV interview that he thought he might be sick. Can you imagine that? The man who later became known for his great presentations was once afraid to speak on TV!

How Steve Got Better

Steve didn’t give up. He worked very hard to get better at giving talks. He practiced a lot, like someone training for a big sports event. Over time, he got much better. He became so good that other business leaders wanted to be like him.

Steve’s Secret: The Three-Part Talk

In his book “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs”, Carmine Gallo explains that Steve had a special way of planning his talks. He thought of them like a play with three parts:

Part 1: Make a Good Story

Steve didn’t use fancy computer programs to plan his talks. He used paper and pens. He always tried to answer one big question: “Why should people care?”

He would start his talks with short, catchy sentences. He would tell people what he…



Good Grey
The Mosaic

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