Vegetarian Omelette

The Goldenest House
3 min readFeb 7, 2018

It’s powdered sugar weather and I lost my scarf at the Milwaukee Village Discount Outlet, where they are having a Super Bowl sale for Super Bowl Sunday but the sale started yesterday. Yesterday was Saturday. I was there on a Friday. On Friday, I got two black boots with gold heels and it took me forever to decide. They were four dollars not on sale. Couldn’t wait a day though, needed ’em RIGHT THEN. My buddy Hal who I haven’t seen in awhile just texted me: “What are you doing for the Super Bowl?” Drinking brews, having chips, laying back and beating my wife.On Saturday, I mopped the floor 4 times and opened up a previous cut grabbing onto a students legs. Not in that order; and she dragged me across the floor because I told her her too. It was okay with the both of us. Remember that day when I tried to see someone who works at a sandwich place but she wasn’t there? Well, now she’s here ordering a coffee. I didn’t have a coffee with my meal. Should I go up and say hi? Hal texted me: “What are you doing for the Super Bowl?” My finger bled. My jaw is tired from speaking. I’ve been half talking/half hyperventilating all morning. In a good way. I think. I talked to my friend Megan on the treadmill, she wasn’t on a different treadmill, she’s not my treadmill friend she’s my phone call friend like Erika is my food blog friend. Anyway, we were on the phone. She told me the a surprise: she’s leaving for Australia today, in three hours. For one whole month. In three hours I will be at my work. I don’t know where I’ll be in one whole month. Or maybe I wish I didn’t know. It’s her “Saturn Returns” if I believed in that shit. Which I do most of the time, but not all of the time, but right now. Right now I believe in finding new work and 2 pm breakfast dates. Erika had to do some work after and I had to do some work after and were were just two hours but it felt like two years in a booth. In a good way. I am quiet and indoors and I didn’t get the pancakes. Run around chalk the floor,chew gum, talk a lot. Right now and in one month. Think I’ll stop babysitting. It’s too exhausting and these people always surprise me by having a HUGE DOG! Think I’ll just run around chalk the floor, chew gum, and talk a lot, until the day I day. I like dogs. I am not making sense. I am sorry, it’s just that I need a moment to get ready. Erika and I talked for two years in a good way and they made me laugh so hard I almost vomited hash browns but I didn’t vomit hash browns. After Erika, I talked to Laura. I can’t remember the last time I vomited. Probably drunk. I can’t remember the last time I was drunk. My cheeks are red. From the cold.There is nothing sadder than walking into a Target in powdered sugar weather and seeing they’ve already set up their seasonal line of swimsuits. I wish I had my scarf; it was bell pepper green, big like yolk stretched across a plate, hid skin like the yellow crinkled cooked eggs hide the onions, holds in steam.

I forgot to take a picture when I was at the Golden House, these are my leftovers.

