In the name of scandal | Update #1 | Thank you!! + “Really what the poet is”

Halim Madi
The Mother of All Stories
4 min readFeb 2, 2020

These are part of the updates I sent supporters in 2020 as part of my kickstarter project, “In the name of scandal”. A collection of poems.


Dear supporters,

A coliseum sized thank you for believing in ITNOS (In The Name Of Scandal). The project raised $1,586 which is 317.2% of its initial funding goal. $1,350.85 landed in my bank account on Friday the 27th of December 2019. $110 of pledges were dropped (banks in Lebanon are blocking international payments to counter the declining currency — read more about the thawra here), Kickstarter’s fee is $73.80 and the payment processing fee is $51.35. The funds will be used to fund the book printing.

I’m happy with the progress on both the content front (the book’s muscles and flesh) and the structure front (the book’s skeleton). I’m optimistic the book will reach everyone in the April / May timeline.


  • 1) I’m considering creating a free e-reader version for supporters
  • 2) updating my website to put the books at the forefront
  • 3) and marketing ITNOS to reach a larger online audience. If you have marketing and/or branding skills and are excited about helping, please reach out to [madihalim at gmail dot com].

If you supported “The flight of the jaguar”, my first crowdfunded collection of poems, you know how part of these missives is practical information and the rest a trip to poetry land with little sparrows and bits of gummy bears stuck between the front teeth. So you can stop here if you opened this email for an update. Keep going if not.


Really what the poet is

In the name of scandal

Has been writing itself.

It came about

Right as the jaguar flew.

At the end of last year,

I dove into scandal

Cajoled it

Courted it

Begged it for easy insights

And subtle beauty

That don’t keep me up

For evenings on end.

As I became the scientist

Who tames the atom

For both

The love of science

And the unapologetic desire

To weaponize it,

I was reminded

Of what the poet

Really is.


What the poet is

Is a bad boss.

For instance

Notice how yesterday’s poet

Finish writing a 1000 word poem

With arrows pointing in all directions

Paragraphs spread like tearing fabric

And a cryptic note, there in the corner,

That says “IMPORTANT”

That barely reads

As anything more

Than chicken’s feet

Dipped in ink

Asked to dance

An erratic samba

Across the page

How yesterday’s poet close their notebook

And exhale

As if intercourse was done

Then stand up

Stroke their hair

And go home

Like a selfish lover

Whose orgasm is holy and entitled

King above all others.

And notice today’s poet

Yours truly

Poor lover

Fucked and still aching

For more

Baffled by the quickness of it all

Unsure of their needs’ validity

“I mean

I wasn’t done

But I want to be

Can I

Should I

Will I

Say something?”

And of course they don’t

Because the poem yesterday’s poet


As the poet-prophet they had become

Now needs to be typed

Else the whole ordeal

Will go to waste

As ink dissolves on the page

Because yesterday’s poet’s

Unscrewed water bottle

Was bumping against the insides

Of our $200 beige leather bag

Drowning the prophetic piece

And so

As memory fades

On the page

And in the mind

Today’s poet gets to work

And plows through

Like a lover shushing

The part of them asking

For a definition of love

Really what a poet is

Is someone who spends most days leafing

Through poems written on a train

Or on a plane

Or in a club

Or in silence with another lover

They apologized to

Because they had to attend

To this piece

That barged into their psyche

Like a child at night

Who can’t sleep

And so

The job

Is part secretarial

Part nursing

Keeping papers in order

Like diapers on the ready

Organizing Evernote

Into a thousand notes

Placed in a hundred folders

Broken up

Into dozens of sub-files

Criss-crossed by themes

Which often overlap

With the sub-files themselves.

And in the midst of this computational competition

Where a colony of obtrusive abstractions


For their right

To exist

The poet

Is a tired father

Who has a full time job

And yet spares some energy

For the night

Because the kids

Deserve to play

Really what a poet is

Is the linguist of an endangered language

Decrypting cryptic code cast on a crypt’s caving walls

By their ancestor

So brashly and hastily

The poet themselves

No longer understands

What they were referring to.

A mating ritual?

A song for the dead?

A lullaby for a sick child?

And that

Is also part of the job

And so the poet spends the day

In Paris — when they really want to visit museums

Trying to figure out

Why their brain from 3 years ago

Would put the text “Mike in the Uber”

Under the tag “#how-to-be”.

And “[YAY] [PART SELF] Hail the cougar”

Under “#poetry/0_scandal/part-intimacy”.

Now I’d like to point out

This is


This is work

What the poet is doing with their time

As they piece their mind


Is detecting the path

That will become the journey

Because the journey

Doesn’t exist yet.

Not until it’s painstakingly witnessed

Not until it’s methodically named

Not until remembrance

Creates a semblance

Of sanity

Not until there’s a tag on it

Called “#how-to-be/book-worthy/finally”.

