Part Two: 10 Perfectly Ridiculous Reasons to Have a Baby

Join The Club: it’s free! Therapy not included. (Part Two: 6–10)

Stacey B
The Motherload


Photo by Henley Design Studio on Unsplash

As mentioned previously in Part One, having a baby will change your life — pretty dramatically, forever. But never fear, hints and tips are always near!

There’ll be more advice than you can handle, everybody will have an opinion on how to handle the baby, even those who can barely handle themselves seem to have a handle on, babies!

Anyway, so here are the rest of the wonderful bonuses you get to look forward to once your precious bundle of foreverness is born:

6. You get really good at cleaning and general multitasking

Consider gaining some serious superpowers — your reflexes will seem like they are on speed, your ability to spot a mess gets amplified, your senses become heightened so much you even get to hear things, which nobody else will e.g. your baby crying — or phantom cries — while you shower, it’s such fun guessing what’s real and what’s not!

You may feel the need to clean when you’re fatigued, clean when you’re restless, clean when you’re frustrated, clean when your baby sleeps — and then still feel like it’s not clean enough, but a baby leaving their paw prints on…



Stacey B
The Motherload

Natural born healer. Holistic health therapist. Intuitive, empath sharing compassionate, creative stories offering perspective. Proud single mama to one.