4 Reasons You Should Absolutely NOT Homeschool

This gig isn’t for everyone.

Sara Barnes
The Motherload


Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

The entire world got a taste of homeschooling during the pandemic. Unfortunately, it was a sampler platter of all the worst bites. It either cemented your convictions that homeschool is not for you. Or perhaps it piqued your curiosity.

Maybe you were intrigued by the extra downtime it created. Maybe you enjoyed being together more than you expected. And maybe the whole endeavor still sounds terrifying outside of a school-on-a-screen-because-of-a-global-pandemic system.

Allow me to discourage you. If you can relate to any of the reasons below, then homeschool is definitely not for you.

1 — You don’t have any kids

Let’s face it, it would be weird if you homeschooled your cat. A dog or a parrot might be more promising students, but there are better uses of your time.

I don’t mean to be exclusive, but homeschooling really belongs in a home with young humans.

2 — You love paying full price for crowded vacations

This might be the best-kept secret of the homeschooling world. We take our vacations when the rest of the world is at work and school. This scores us sweet off-peak discounts and the…



Sara Barnes
The Motherload

Homeschooling mother of three. Raising my family abroad. Lover of strong coffee and a good pun.