7 Reasons to have a Baby in a Pandemic

There are pros and cons to every decision…

Lori A. Coleman
The Motherload
3 min readJan 14, 2022


I’m sure someone has made a list twice as long in opposition, but hear me out. If you’re on the fence about starting or growing your family, there is no better time than the present. It’s been two years since this coronavirus mutation appeared, and if you’re reading this, you’ve managed to stay alive. Ipso facto, you can do this.

father and son sitting on the floor in front of a fire with a laptop open
Photo by the Author, Lori and Erin Photography

So, why is this the absolute BEST time to raise a child? Let me count the ways.

  1. Be Present! Everyone says that first year will go fast, so don’t miss a single milestone. Since you’re home together, all. the. time. how could you possibly miss baby’s first giggle, food or step? (Bonus: You’ll also be there for baby’s first blowout, baby’s first projectile vomit and baby’s first stitches! Heck, maybe you’ll even be responsible for them!)
  2. Save money! You’re not paying for daycare, trips to the museum, or dates, so bank it! Use this time to build up your savings for a non-pandemic rainy day. (Forget that whole bit about inflation meaning your money doesn’t go as far.)
  3. Work from home! You’ll get to be present for all those milestones and little moments. You can work while they sleep, and cuddle them while you work. You’re basically getting paid to parent, it’s fantastic! (Just ignore the fact that you’ll never be able to focus on any task, ever, ever again.)
  4. Avoid Aunt Karen! Use your anxiety, your tiny human and your anxiety about your tiny human to hibernate. It’s a socially acceptable excuse to never be social again! (Just push down that human need for connection, most experts say it’s not important anyway.)
  5. Less pressure! Since you aren’t spending time with the Joneses, there’s no point in trying to keep up with them! Who cares if you gain way to much weight during your pregnancy, whether you are breast-feeding or not, and definitely don’t waste time on makeup. No one is seeing you anyway! (Just be prepared to learn everything on your own, because you have no friends to ask.)
  6. Reconnect with your partner! For some couples, quarantine revealed some deep seated ideological differences such as religion, politics, recreational drug use or the validity of vaccines. Fear not, as there is no problem that chubby baby cheeks can not solve! You may not agree on the severity of climate change, but you’ll definitely agree on how to raise a kid. (Plus, everyone knows you don’t sleep when you have a newborn, so you’ll have more time to work out your differences!)
  7. Conception is fun! Some folks seem to think the best part of having kids is making them! So take all of that new found free time and have fun trying. (Just be aware that it can happen on your first try, or not at all, and either way can be devastating.)

Well the COVID outside is frightful
but the bed is so delightful
as long you love me so
let it show, let it show, let it show.

Now, I’m not one to tell you what to do, but I think the answer is obvious. It doesn’t matter what you decide, you’ll be wrong.

Your turn! What would you add to this list?
Did/would you have a pandemic baby? Why or why not?

words 27 months postpartum
photo 6 months postpartum



Lori A. Coleman
The Motherload

Newish mom, writing my way out of postpartum depression. Oldish photographer, telling stories about families, love and life.