Behind the Curtain of Zero Sex Life Parenthood

This needs to be talked about.

Kristina God, MBA
The Motherload


Behind The Curtain Of Sexless Parenthood
Photo 99956907 © M-sur |

Many parents I’m talking with have the desire for what used to be.

Especially in regard to their sex life.

As an elderly and wise friend used to say:

Things are just easier when we are having orgasms.

Well, as a parent hooking up isn’t like in the hot and heavy days anymore.

It’s different…

Here are the Top #3 Reasons why you’re not having sex with your spouse anymore:

  1. You’re initiating sex by saying: ‘exactly how tired are you?’
  2. Cartoons are playing loudly outside your door.
  3. You want to freshen up in the bathroom but then end up emptying the washing machine, putting the clothes in the dryer, and loading new clothes — by which time the other one has fallen asleep.

I can tell you, there are many more reasons:



Kristina God, MBA
The Motherload

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