I thought parenting was meant to get easier as they get older?

Mia Houston
The Motherload
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2022

Children have so much energy!

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I have regained a full night’s sleep which is a huge win but the amount of energy now required to survive the day is insane. I thought it was meant to get easier but I’m not quite sure it has?!

My two-year-old wakes me up by shouting ‘Mornings!’ at the top of her lungs and whilst it’s completely adorable, it’s very loud.

Her sister is even louder and usually begins the day by tipping out an entire box of Duplo on the floor and stomping about with such aggression that I’m surprised the floor hasn’t fallen through.

If the day doesn’t start with them screaming at each other, I mark it down as a relatively quiet morning. But before I’m even down the stairs, I’m usually already in need of five minutes of peace.

My four-year-old tallies up the activities we do in the day and if it’s anything less than five she’s not happy. Baring in mind she counts things like ‘soft-play’ as one, meager activity, she normally has a good complaint that ‘we haven’t done hardly anything at all.’

On the days that I have an endless list of tasks that need completing, she is at her most vocal and makes it her mission to attach herself to my leg.

Next year, when she heads to school, I’ll hopefully have more energy to direct elsewhere. My youngest is entering the ‘no’ phase and ‘crushing food onto the floor when she’s mad’ phase (I didn’t even know this was a thing?!) but she’s obviously still learning to speak so it’s somewhat easier to think straight. Thus, I imagine, next year will be a bit easier — but then I’ve said this before?

It’s hard going from cooing at a baby to having to answer questions about life and death whilst simultaneously listening to a dozen poo jokes a day.

It’s a different phase of life and I love it. It’s fun and inspiring and super rewarding watching them grow. But is it easier as they get older? I’m not so sure.

