Mom Advice: Don’t Worry About the Size or Piles

It’s about what happens inside that matters most.

Sandy Gold
The Motherload


Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

“I don’t want any of those moms to come over and be in my house.”

A friend, a much younger friend, said this to me the other day. Annie’s problem wasn’t actually with these other moms. They are all kind, caring women, who met while their children were in preschool together.

Annie’s issue was about the size of her house.

These other moms lived in neighboring towns and in admittedly, larger homes. All Annie sees when she looks around her home, is the size of their townhouse, the one they moved into temporarily when the kids were younger. While temporary has turned into more years than they intended, when I look around Annie’s house, I don’t see it the way she does.

But then again, I am older and I can remember….

I used to walk into friend’s houses and compare the size of my kitchen and second guess my choice of stools and island layout.

I took note of the playrooms and the built-in storage cubbies in other people’s homes and thought about my baskets and plastic drawers, overflowing with toys and stuffed animals.

Mudrooms were often my downfall, as the tiny space, just inside from our basement entry garage…



Sandy Gold
The Motherload

I’m an educator, an advocate for inclusion, an avid reader, and a mother struggling to adjust to being an empty nester. IG:@sandygoldcoaching