MOM RANTS: They’re not all bad

Trish Di Stefano
The Motherload
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2021


Photo from Unsplash

It’s been a tough week, and this morning as I drove my son to daycare I could feel the last of my patience fly out the window. I was convinced my battery was empty, but somehow the routine was still being followed and the work was still getting done. Over the past few days I had gone from irritated, to exhausted, to autopilot, to pretty damn okay, to manic, and now back to the beginning but fuck it it’s Wednesday and let me have some cake. And then I got to the daycare and was immediately shooed away and sent home with Leo still squirming in my arms.

There was a covid outbreak in Leo’s class. We immediately took our little family to get tested, and whether positive or negative, we’ll need to keep him home with us for almost three weeks of isolation while we are both working our slightly-more-than-full-time hours. Which brings me to now: Day One. Our basement flooded recently so all of the furniture from down there has been brought up to our main floor. It’s cramped, but the extra couches are excellent for toddlers who have recently discovered their love of running over them. My husband and I are sharing our kitchen table as an office during this period of adjustment. I don’t love working within view of the dishes in the sink, but this way I also have a full view of the playground, I mean living room. Within an hour of breakfast, the space has been transformed. There is a trail of tiny…



Trish Di Stefano
The Motherload

Trish Di Stefano is an idealist, recovering perfectionist and weekend glutton.