Motherhood Makes Us Better Friends

We’re on this journey together.

Erica Jalli
The Motherload
2 min readJan 8, 2022


A family dinner conversation recently turned to the importance of having a diverse set of friends. The presence of a variety of viewpoints and life experiences as opposed to a narrow “echo chamber” has become more important now than ever. As I sat at the dinner table, I immediately realised how lucky I am to befriend fellow mums from all walks of life as part of my daily routine.

Out of our homes and into the world of offices, playgroups, schools, parks, and cafes, mothers come together for encounters brief and long, light-hearted and emotional, and end up forging friendships we never expected. Among mums, there seems to be some sort of unspoken bond that transcends any need for explanation. A “safe space” if you will.

A look of sympathy as a mother struggles to leave the playground when her toddler has a meltdown. The laughter as two mums bump cars rushing out of the school parking lot. The quiet way one mum slides over on a cafe bench so that another weary mother can nurse her newborn. We find friendship in the most mundane circumstances and often end up sharing stories and laughter, as well as heartaches and fears, with women we’ve only just met.

These maternal friendships are often as inspiring as they are nurturing. A few mothers I have known left traditional career paths to start their own businesses. Some have finally chosen to pursue their passion for teaching, cooking, or writing. And still others have gone on to run charities or even marathons. There are myriad ways to balance home, career and personal passions and each woman I meet has her own, unique approach.

As an American expat living in London, I have befriended mothers from across the globe. These women have opened my eyes to new ideas, customs, and ways of thinking. Many of these friendships have even helped me discover more about my own European and South Asian roots.

Motherhood changes a person in so many ways, but I have been truly enriched by the incredible friendships I have made with fellow mums throughout my journey. I’ve gained fresh perspective and feel I am more compassionate, patient, and open-minded as a result of this companionship. I hope that I, too, have helped provide levity, kindness and inspiration for other mums along the way. Thanks to the mothers who’ve welcomed me into the club — we’re all in this together.



Erica Jalli
The Motherload

American expat raising four global citizens in London. Finance then tech. Harvard then INSEAD.