Seventh Grade: When Bullies Blossom

I once was one and now I protect my kids from them.

Melissa Marietta
The Motherload


Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Orange metal locker with a padlock.

Blue Umbro shorts and a Grateful Dead tie-dye t-shirt. High-top sneakers.

A pen and a piece of lined paper torn from a Five-Star notebook.

A handwritten letter and a list of names. I was asked to sign it. Never sign your name before reading what you’re agreeing to, my mom had warned me.

A list of grievances. Advice for improvement and a warning. Change or you’re going to be friendless faster than you can read the list of girls’ names at the bottom of this sheet of paper.

A list of friends or should we say frenemies because girls are as nasty as fuck, especially in the seventh grade.

I didn’t know the girl well. We’d hung out in a group at lunch a few times. Sat near one another in a couple of classes. Did I find her annoying? Sure. Did I wish to sign my name to a letter asking her to stop bragging and wear cooler clothes?

I wish I could tell you no — definitively. I don’t remember but I hope I wasn’t a bully.

Did that girl ever get the letter? I think so. I wonder if she cried. I wonder if she threw the letter in the trash and I hope she…



Melissa Marietta
The Motherload

I am witty, sarcastic, and always honest. Top Writer in Parenting & Feminism. Marriage | Relationships| Mental Health| Humor| Body Image| Disability