Thanks To The Young Man Who Called Me A MILF

I’m feeling flattered. It’s a compliment.

Kristina God, MBA
The Motherload


Thanks To The Young Man Who Called Me A MILF
Bikini model photo created by garetsvisual —

I know a lot of moms who…

  • despise
  • resent
  • loathe

their body.

They want it to be

  • smaller
  • thinner
  • less fat.

Once you become a mom your body definitely changes.

It takes a lot of exercise and a strict diet (for which you don’t find the time) to shape it.

When you look in the mirror, sometimes you’re terribly ashamed of your body’s wobbles and dimples.

Some mothers even don’t go to the beach or the swimming pool with their kids.

Others don’t want to be in pictures anymore because they feel ugly.

Hey beautiful imperfect moms, why not show your body this summer?!

Why not let go of all the negative feelings.

It feels awesome! It feels freeing.

Who knows. You might even get attention from other (much younger) men.



Kristina God, MBA
The Motherload

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