Ready to render

Sebastian Holm Nielsen
The Motion Scramble
4 min readDec 27, 2016

It may not be visible, but this end-frame is the brand logo made up of glowing Beolab 90 speakers. Beolab 90 is the speaker found below:

I purchased this model from and had to re-texture the entire thing due to import issues between 3DS Max and Cinema 4D. It was either that or I would have ended up finishing my horrible hand-crafted model and just go with that:

Two days of work…

The White Room

Moving forward, I had to make a room and populate it with neat lighting to create the proper contrasts from my black scene.

7 light objects were required to make this sunlight appear somewhat realistic-looking

Living room more or less finished; I duplicated the speaker over to the right side of the couch and replaced the crazy lamp on the right side with a duplicate of the tripod lamp from the left side, in order to better lead the gaze toward the speaker design.

A revelation

I discovered that actually has free Bang & Olufsen models! I felt like I had to use the opportunity to add some more detail to my video (and my modelling skills are simply not up to the challenge). I went for a hierarchy of products ordered by the big Beolab 90 speaker shown above (purchased on 3DSky) and the free models from Dimensiva, including the Beolab 19 (medium-size floor or table speaker) and the BeoPlay H6 headphones for portability, showing customers that B&O has something for all price-ranges and purposes.

I covered the headphones by actually putting them in my white-room scene shown above, as equipment you can pick up from your table and simply equip (although they aren’t actually wireless).

BeoPlay H6

A quick test render, I might want to increase their size slightly (and yes, I have indeed switched the vase colors to not-cucumber-colored glass)

The Bedroom scene

Because I didn’t have enough work to do in a short amount of time, so I decided to model not one white room but two!

I love how that bed is floating one inch above the floor

The Beolab 19

It ended up getting a room for itself, as I felt like I was over-populating the white room if I put another speaker in it (too unrealistic, right?). So I modelled another room, set up some more lights, built the curtains and materials for all the objects I had purchased from and did what I could to make the scene not too sterile but still very bright and white.

Did I mention that I work off a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 i5 and that this single still picture took 18 minutes to render…? Yep, 18 minutes.

This model was probably the easiest of the lot to build materials for, I mean look at it! I should probably add dust and scratches to not make this thing seem too perfectly rendered!

It has been a very productive Christmas “break”, which means I have barely spent any time with my family, because I jumped into the deep end with this project. However, I genuinely feel like I am learning an incredible amount about not only navigating Cinema 4D but also I am realising how important workflow optimisation is along with all things related to being realistic. I got lucky with the availability of these 3D models and I had to spend my own un-funded money on them, so that’s my lesson in all this. I should have researched the availability of models before I set out to do the project altogether, and definitely before spending two days trying to model a complex shape.

Anyway, the scenes are more or less all set up and ready to be rendered, so it would seem like I am indeed keeping in check with my project schedule so far. My next update will hopefully include a fully rendered scene or maybe several!

