But why ride motorcycles?

Shubham Roy
The Motorcycle Journals
2 min readMay 11, 2019

The sun is setting and you can see it from the window down in the bullpen but you are still in front of that digital screen trying to meet the deadline yet again. The days are monotonous; same as every day, each day. You have become a mechanical being who doesn’t have any idea why he is doing what he is doing. You don’t even realize there might be a way out because you don’t want to disturb the status quo and it has gotten too late to get out of your comfort zone now. So, you sit there, dull, looking at the screen and pasting the crap out of the clipboard because someone told you to do that by the end of the day. That is the thing, people have told you to do this and do that all your life. When was the last time you had complete control of your life and lived a particular moment to the fullest?

But things change when you are out on the road. The infinite stretch of landscape, just waiting there to be conquered by you. You feel it in your veins, the power and the freedom to be what you want. You open the throttle and you escape from all the worries which were bothering you just a few seconds ago. You look at the open road and that is the only thing you look forward to. You live in the moment, for the moment. Nothing is bothering you anymore. The worries, the deadlines, and your personal problems have been left long behind on the road. They do not burden you anymore. You are flying through the monotony and your burdens. You are free, free to live in the moment, on the road. You crouch down and you feel the air hitting your face that reminds that you are more than just another person in the crowd. It reminds you that life is meant to be lived and not just to be survived. You get new perspective on things. You learn to leave things behind just as you leave things behind when you ride, not to be missed, you just continue on your way and that is what matters the most. The thrill and excitement cannot be described when your engine roars in all its might and you warp through everything. It is intoxicating, it is blind love.



Shubham Roy
The Motorcycle Journals

A Java engineer’s travel logs. I code so that I can travel on my bike.