Why living for the weekends sucks?

Shubham Roy
The Motorcycle Journals
2 min readMay 16, 2019

When we are in college, life isn’t particularly hard. We really think that college is hard because we have to study and complete assignments but it is the easy part of your life. Things start to get real when you get a job because now you have a peer pressure from the money hungry society to earn buttloads of money, make a career, marry and die. So you succumb to this pressure mindlessly and immediately and do the things told to you without much thought and debate from your inner monologue, well because it’s easy to do things mindlessly right?

So, you come home from your work on a Friday evening and share a story of a picture of a beer captioned TGIF and you really think, “thank God its Friday “because what a hectic week I had. Now, since it is the weekend, I will wind myself loose and do things which will entertain me in the short run the whole two days and I’ll be miserable again on Monday. Sounds like a great plan right?

The goal of your weekend should not be to wind yourself loose, watch Netflix and eat junk food. The goal of your weekend should be to take care of yourself and your life. What to do on a weekend is the scope of another article. But here I want to focus on the fact that if you are miserable the whole week and live for weekends, how wrong you are playing the game of life.

Let’s use mathematics to figure this out. Let us suppose you are 22 years old and have a job. You will work till 60, so you have 38 years of job to do, sounds scary right? And now your plan is to only live on the weekends. Let us start small and take account for one year. You have 4 weekends in a month, totaling 8 days. 8 days multiplied with 12 is 96 days. So, your great plan is to live 96 days out 365 days times 38 years. Your plan on doing nothing during the weekdays, not focusing on your goal, learning or practicing a hobby but to go out and party till oblivion doesn’t sound great now. It is not even mandatory that all of your weekends will be great. Some of them will suck and you won’t be able to do anything about it.

I do not mean to say that indulging yourself is a bad thing. It is absolutely refreshing to party out on weekends with your friends and get drunk like a pirate. But this shouldn’t be the goal of your life. Your time can be utilized in more productive things which will make you a better human, I am sure of it. So, stop living just for the weekends and start living every day. You have the gift of consciousness, so, don’t waste it. Be better.



Shubham Roy
The Motorcycle Journals

A Java engineer’s travel logs. I code so that I can travel on my bike.