The New System

Consensus at scale and collective intelligence

Carl Carpenter
The Movement of Movements


the new system is coming, to a screen near you

it’s based on the reinvention of conversation itself

this new conversation is scalable

we can all participate

never before possible, it changes everything

we can say what we agree with

and how much

and by aggregating all that we can know how much the collective agrees

the new system serves the me and the we

it will start small, as all beginnings must be, and then grow

eventually it will prove something transformational

that consensus is collective decision

the new system will produce it, and here’s the thing

it looks like consensus is going to prove to be essentially the same as collective intelligence

that’s right, collective decisions are going to prove to be smart

this of course changes everything

it means democracy is built into the new system

the people, that is, the collective, decide everything, at all levels

i am not a radical for telling you this, it’s simply inevitable

the new system allows us, as individuals, to know precisely how the collective feels, and what the collective thinks, about anything and everything

there need be no violent revolution

only the freedom of speech and assembly, which in this case will be virtual assembly

the collective will decide everything, including how fast to move forward in replacing the existing system, which no longer serves the people

being intelligent, the collective will not choose to move too fast, to avoid violent confrontations

the collective knows the power of consensus is too overwhelming

eventually even potentially violent defenders of the existing system will join the new

and become nonviolent, lay down their weapons and start living

we do not want a repeat of occupy

general assembly was really the draw there, people leaped at the chance to try a new system of collective decision making

unfortunately it didn’t scale

the new system that is coming is also a collective decision making system, and it will scale… that’s one of the first things we’re going to prove

that, and that the decisions themselves are intelligent, that predictions made by the collective come true, that its future vision is accurate, and that it supports all life and a return to planetary homeostasis

we actually have cause to believe that collective intelligence will be superhuman

that is, consistently better predictive accuracy than individual experts

the cause was spelled out pretty clearly in one of my favorite books, the wisdom of crowds

wise crowds have four characteristics: they are decentralized, diverse, and independent, and their output can be aggregated

this movement is passionately decentralized, extremely diverse, and fiercely independent

the new system supplies the aggregation

see my other post on the aggregatable action itself, which is AGREEMENT

the new system will be simple, anyone can quickly learn to use it

and join in any number of ongoing conversations

video conversations…

would-be leaders, or anyone with something to say, can say it

and the rest of us can say how much we agree with it

we’ll be able to stage debates…

debates where we the people decide who wins, point by point

the new system is a conflict resolution system, and this is key

the world is fragmenting now, disintegrating, as a prelude to explosion

we all feel it, it’s obvious to anyone who’s even marginally aware

we’re a danger to ourselves and the entire planet


therefore above all else we need a conflict resolution system

so that is a major function of the new system, it will be fine-tuned to optimize conflict resolution

all that is required is for us to start using it, to make it part of the movement

everything will then begin, and we will evolve it as rapidly as possible and apply it to every issue, every problem

i personally would like to start with a great debate on climate change

we need to solve this issue once and for all because if co2 is the cause we must take dramatic action very soon

this debate can then be followed by debates on all possible issues, wherever there is division and conflict

i hope i’ve peaked your interest about the new system

look for it to emerge… soon

