A Lesson From The Alchemist

“Because everybody believes the world’s greatest lie.”

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


“‘It’s a book that says the same thing in almost all the other books in the world say,’ continued the old man. ‘It describes people’s inability to choose their own Personal Legends. And it ends up saying that everyone believes the world’s greatest lie.’

‘What’s the world’s greatest lie?’ The boy asked, completely surprised.

‘It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become completely controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”’ -Paulo Coelho

It’s such a simple concept that it seems absolutely ridiculous that most of the whole world has fallen fate to this lie. We all have our own personal legend, most of us know what it is, what it is that we truly want to do, but it’s easy to ignore it and choose a different path for a various amount of reasons. As the world begins to shape us, some let it start to shape their thoughts, therefore letting it shape their destiny, and usually with them not having any say in the matter. It’s important to step back and recognize this personal legend, and to also realize that you are in total control of how your life turns out.

You can blame a million things at the end of the day of why your life is the way it is, but that’s the lie right there that you keep telling yourself, that you’re not in control. Don’t fall for the worlds greatest lie, and be in control. Life is not about waiting around to see what you are “destined” to be, but it’s about going out being what you intend to be.

