Be Original And You Will Stand Out

Because you’ll never influence the world by trying to be like it

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


Some of us spend our entire lives trying to discover our passion not knowing that we probably found it very early in life. The activities that we find so much pleasure in are the ones that allow our creativity to flow freely. Personally I have found that the most successful individuals show this through their work. By following their hearts they are able to create something truly original allowing them to standout amongst the crowd. This way you don’t have to worry too much about competing against others but just yourself. The more you push yourself the better your results will be and motivation will come easily because you’re working on something you love.

It’s All Just Obstacles

Being original does have many benefits but it will also bring many challenges. You’ll be pressured to follow the crowd and a lot of people will tell you what they think is best for you. Questioning if whether or not what you are doing is the right thing will be a constant battle, but if you can continue to trust your vision than the right pieces will fall into place. Understand that these are all simply obstacles to overcome and each one will bring new lessons.

Stick To Your Audience

When you have found your audience, stick to it. Try not to appeal to everyone or soon it will be hard to please anyone. If you like something so will many others and those that do will spread the word. Also look for people that influence you and learn as much as possible from them to see what best routes to take in your industry. Continue to move forward, trust yourself, and never stop. Soon you will run into all the right answers.

