Changing Bad Habits

5 Easy Steps From Darren Hardy’s “The Compound Effect”

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


We know that habits help to shape our lives but do we all know how to shake ourselves from those that may be holding us back? It’s hard and sometimes even painful to get rid of an old habit but here’s 5 easy steps from one of the most successful self made entrepreneurs in the world on how to turn our lives around.

1) Identifying Your Triggers

Make a list of all the bad habits that you wish to change and start to identify what triggers theme through figuring out who, what, where, and when they happen. This simple action will help to increase your awareness so that you’re not just sleepwalking through life not noticing them.

2) Clean House

We mean this literally! Anything that relates to the habits that you are trying to break needs to be cut out of your life so that there are no temptations to indulge in them. For example, if you want to start eating better then all the junk food and snacks in the pantry need to go. This will make it nearly impossible for us to tempt ourselves or even think about the things that enable our guilty pleasures.

3) Swap It

Replace it with something else that will help your growth. If you watch t.v for 3 hours a day try to use that time for exercise instead. This will help you to maximize the time that you have instead of using it as an escape or time to “relax”. Also don’t look at it as if you are loosing something just look at it as an addition to your new lifestyle.

4) Ease Into it

For some people cutting something out entirely is tough so if you can takes small steps everyday that will also help to create momentum for you. It’s like easing your way into cold water sometimes it takes a while to get used to it.

5) Or Jump In

Or you can do the exact opposite and jump right in cutting everything out at once, it all really depends on the person. The most important part is to simply make sure that if you do cut these things out of your life that you replace them with habits that will lead you in the right direction because simply sitting idle won’t do anything for you.

