Repetition Is The Key To Confidence

Form new habits, and get comfortable with being uncomfortable

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


A lot of people may believe that confidence is simply instilled in others from birth, but most of the time this isn’t the case. Confidence comes from an assurance that you have in yourself with certain situations in your life; and this assurance is only brought about from a series of successful experiences repeated over and over in those situations. When we are more sure of our skills we will naturally be more confident.

“Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.”-Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This quote also points out the beautiful affect that repetition can bring on in an individuals life and that is the result of successful habits. These habits turn into automatic reflexes that you will perform subconsciously throughout your day. Think about it, all we have to do is consistently work a number of qualities into our lives that we’d like to see in ourselves and we will soon attain them.

