The Self-Employed Reading List: The Compound Effect

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed
2 min readOct 21, 2014


Today we are almost overwhelmed with articles, books and videos about how to get our lives on track, become successful, and conquer our fears with a few easy steps. It still amazes me how we continue to buy into this belief that it is that easy to change our lives, because if it really were, wouldn’t everyone be doing it? But Darren Hardy does give us a simple solution, though it’s different this time. He shows us how to take these small steps, and apply them to our daily lives over a long period of time.

This may frustrate some, because it’s not the typical thing you see that tells you how to change your life in a days, weeks or months. So lets really look at it… in order to change your life, you have to change your habits, and habits are those little things that form with or without us knowing, and they could be good or bad. The Compound Effect then opens your eyes to simply being aware of your habits, and how to remove the ones you don’t want and form the ones you do want over time.

Even though Darren Hardy shows you how to change your life with small steps, the fact of the matter is that you CANNOT cheat true success. With anything being easy to do, it is also easy not to do… so stick to it. Changing your life is not easy, but it is very simple.

