Trust In The End Result

You cannot connect the dots looking forward, only looking backwards

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


Lately I couldn’t help but notice all the young people our age who are having something along the lines of a mid-life crisis at far too young of an age. As soon as your 20th birthday comes around, everyone you come in contact with seems to be so concerned with “what will you do?”, “what will you be?”, and they expect you to have it all planned out.

When this thought even enters the head of a twenty-something, this thought of what they are trying to make of their life, panic takes over as they try to plot a path of safety, security and stability. It’s thought wrenching to think about for most in today’s world because things like safety and stability don’t exist.

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” -Albert Einstein

People forget to take into consideration that trying to plan a career path so early in life is almost pointless because of the pace the world is moving. Industries are collapsing over night just to be replaced with brand new ones regularly now, and this will only happen more and more frequently. So everyone should take into consideration that the industry you may be apart of for the bulk of your life probably hasn’t even been created yet! Take social media for example, and all the people who have made millions, if not billions of dollars at such a young age off this new industry that rose to power a mere 5–8 years ago. Or the new youtube sensations that never had the chance to make money from making quality videos from their homes only few years ago, who now have the capabilities to make millions while changing the way we watch videos and other forms of media.

Monetize your creativity

All that truly matters is that in today’s world we now have the option of integrating what you enjoy doing and turning it into your work. No longer do you have to have your “work” and your hobbies separate. Your hobbies can become your work. Your profession is your business. So as new industries roll out, as new technologies replace old ones, see where you can fit your passion into that. It may change every ten years, or even every year as you go along. Trust in the end result. Don’t feel the need to have it all figured out right now, it’s unfair to do that to yourself, because it is almost impossible.

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