Using The Law Of The Universe

It’s all in your mind

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


The Law Of Attraction:

It’s no coincidence that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s the mindset they have developed, and the law of the universe that they used. It sounds crazy to most people, but once you step back and look how everything truly is, you realize that you attract almost everything into your life in some way or another.

We become what we think about. It all starts with the planting of seeds in our heads, and allowing the idea or belief to manifest. This can go both ways though, because negative thoughts or doubts can grow just as fast, if not faster than the positive ones.

Being able to practice the Law of Attraction.

The use of autosuggestion. Simply the fact that thoughts become things. Whatever the mind can believe, and conceive, it can achieve. Practice using it everyday, it will be hard at first, but then after that is where the fun begins.

Goal Setting

Setting goals must become a daily habit, and it is a daily habit for almost all who have seen major success. Only about 3 percent of the population regularly set goals, and it’s no coincidence that 3 percent of the population holds 97 percent of the wealth. They must be visual, meaning its important to write them down. There is a biological need for us to see the goal to stay focused on achieving it.

Money isn’t the root of all evil, poverty is.

Too many people are focused on what they don’t want, fearing or doubting their abilities most of their lives, so it’s no wonder that they end up where they are. The few that understand how it actually works use it to their advantage. Most have a tough time believing it, but a variety of people who have seen major success are able to contribute their success to their mindset, and the habits they gained over their years of experience. All of these motivational people are all telling us the same story. It really is all in our mind. Once we realize it’s that simple, anything becomes possible.

