What We Stand For

The Movement: Dedicated to the progression of our generation

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


We like to call ourselves the crazy ones, the ones who truly try to see the world differently. But we see that in this new era, we are being called the “lost generation”, because many are losing hope, and it’s not our faults, because it’s that way we’ve been taught, the way we have all been brought up to think. Not many try to step back to question things anymore, they just go with whatever is the easiest, or what everyone else seems to be doing for a living. Nobody seems to care about leaving a personal legend for themselves in this world.

So our site is for those who share the same vision as we do, those who want real change. We have decided to be dedicated to the progression of our generation. We realized that you actually can impact this world by doing what you love, and never stopping. Things like creating true wealth, personal development, and paving a path for personal growth and success are simply not taught in schools today. This could be the answer.

So here’s to the crazy ones.

We’re creating a new generation. #TheMovement


