What’s Your Thermostat Set To?

You Get What You Think You Deserve

Young and Self-Employed
Young And Self-Employed


Thermostats are very helpful when it comes to keeping a comfortable temperature in a room. If the temperature in the room is 72 degrees chances are that the thermostat has been put on that setting; and here’s the cool thing about that. Even if a window is left open, and the room drops to 65 degrees, the thermostat will kick in and the temperature goes back up to the desired setting. Now think of the standards that you have for yourself as thermostats set at a certain temperature for each area for your life.

You Get What You Think You Deserve

Whether it be money, relationships, fitness, or an education, the results that you receive will be directly related to the standards that you have set for yourself in those areas. For instance, if you expect a $50,000 annual income and end up earning $70,000 then your thermostat will kick in and help you find a way to get back down to your financial temperature of $50,000. This is why most lottery winners end up losing all of their fortune within a few years. Their standards towards money never change so they had no choice but to get back to what they believed they deserved. It may take some personal time invested into growing ourselves, but by raising our value, in any area we seem to need the help in, it can drastically change our outcomes long-term.

