Tom Cruise, surrounded by the flaming wreckage of mankind’s centuries-old struggle against [insert name of threatening shadow cabal].

Edge of Tomorrow is really about trying to take down the international Masonic banking conspiracy

Eli Haven
The Movie You Didn’t See
10 min readNov 4, 2014


Okay. I know what you’re thinking. Only anti-Semites and David Icke talk about the Freemasons and international bankers as a conspiracy anymore. Well I’m neither, and I’m also not suggesting that I necessarily believe that what the subtext of this film is pointing to is true. I do, however, believe that the imagery of the film and the plot itself have parallels to this most common conspiracy meme. Ready?

***SPOILER ALERT: I am about to describe what happens in this film.***

Watch the film again and keep the following clichéd sentence in mind: Time is money.

Cage, Tom Cruise’s character, drinks the blood of an alien Alpha and absorbs the alien race’s ability to control time, specifically to rewind to the beginning of a day and relive it each time he dies. Now I know you don’t rewind money, but remember that we are dealing in metaphor and symbolism here. The alien race, a kind of mechanical octopus-like tentacle-waving legion hell-bent on destroying humanity, have invaded the planet and are taking over. The ‘Mimics’, as they are called, are led by a brain called the Omega and the leaders in the field are referred to as Alphas. The remainder of the alien troops function as a single entity without individual agency or thought. So to put it another way, the foot soldiers of the horde are not actually aware of the intentions of the Omega but merely do its bidding under the supervision of the Alphas. The Alphas in turn have an inkling of their role but really their main purpose is to serve and protect the Omega. The Omega is a giant unfolding fist of tentacles and blazing light that lurks deep down in dark watery places looking very much like a combination of an eye and a giant brain.

Cage, now that he has usurped their power, begins to train himself to fight them and in the process becomes better informed about the nature of the aliens. He learns from the only soldier ever to also share the ability he finds himself with, Rita, and with a doctor, now a mechanic, who was fired from a high powered political role for bringing up the far-reaching powers that he believed the Omega possessed. In fact, there is implied within the film that his superiors don’t even actually accept the existence of the Omega at all. They dismissed him as crazy and made sure that he never got a serious job ever again. At this point, it’s still pretty obvious but I will point out a few other things as well.

The Omega is tracking Cage down, and when it eventually does he receives a vision of where it is hiding. This vision leads him on a wild goose chase to locate its lair, but really that lair was an ambush — the Omega deceived him as to its true location in order to capture him and take back its power. It’s also interesting to note that the manner in which the Omega can take back the power from Cage is to let him live rather than killing him. Killing him re-spawns him back to the beginning of the day, giving him another chance to defeat it.

The doctor now tells Cage about a device which can use his blood to find the location of the Omega. The catch is that this device is in the possession of the government, embodied by the general who assigned Cage to combat duty in the first place. So Cage and Rita must go to the general and try to persuade him to give up the device, which he eventually does but only in order to buy himself time in order to betray them and try to have them captured.

Cage uses the device and locates the Omega. It is hiding in Paris, but not just anywhere in Paris. It is hiding directly under the glass pyramid at the Louvre. It’s also worth noting that, in terms of Masonic symbolism and structure, Paris and London are the two capitals of Europe. London is where the film is set, home, among other things, to the Bank of England, the mother of central banks in the same way that Westminster is referred to as the mother of parliaments.

Cage must then convince the remainder of his squad to go with him on a probable suicide mission to take out the Omega against the wishes of the general who would rather follow orders and protect the status quo than win the war. They steal an airship and fly it to Paris, where they are attacked and have to crash land. In a last-ditch attempt to reach the Omega and defeat it, they race the airship along the ground, smashing through the Arc de Triomphe on their way to smashing into the glass pyramid at the Louvre. Cage then sacrifices himself to kill the Omega and succeeds, but in its death throes it infects him with its blood yet again and he awakens, even earlier this time, to the news that the war he spent so long figuring out how to win will now not happen at all because the other side have disappeared.

Sorry for the Cliff’s Notes on the film, but I needed to lay it out so that I can tie it all together quickly for you.

The structure of the alien race is the exact layout of the Masonic/Illuminati power structure as suggested by conspiracy theorists — a whole bunch of essentially clueless members at the base of the pyramid (yes, it is described as a pyramid), followed by a very limited echelon of those mostly in the know but still not in the inner sanctum itself and finally, the capstone on the pyramid, the All-Seeing Eye, the source from which the power and the intention flows, driving the actions of all the others further down the pyramid. The tentacle/octopus visuals also tie in with this; the international banking conspiracy has been portrayed as an octopus for quite some time. For a full round-up of conspiracy theories, it is worth noting that Jews have also been portrayed as octopuses encircling the earth as well, most notably in Nazi propaganda from the 1930s and 1940s, but I am in no way suggesting that Jews do that, or that Jews are Masons, or that Masons are bankers or that bankers are Jews (or that Jews are octopuses, or octopi). I’m just pointing out the similarity between the plotting and imagery of this film and the bulk of conspiracy theories specifically to do with the nexus of power that some people believe controls the world’s financial system and through it the corporate and political elites that make the rules by which the rest of us must live, work and play. Got it? Good. So the alien race is the pyramid-structured conspiratorial group, whomever it may be — Masons, Illuminati, bankers etc. Referring to the aliens as ‘Mimics’ is also telling, as conspiracy theories about the same shadowy elite, predominantly from the Icke school, see ‘them’ as shape-shifting aliens merely pretending to be human etc.

As an aside, when I was younger I was once did some tiling for a very nice man with a lustrous beard who had become a born-again Christian after a near-death experience in a car crash and he told me, over carrot and hummus sandwiches during our lunch break, that he could tell that Tony Blair and his Cabinet were demons in human form because when nether entities shape shift to blend in with us, “they never get the hair right”. Look at pictures of Tony Blair and his Cabinet from 1999/2000 — it will haunt you.

But I digress.

The two believers with whom Cage must collaborate in order to defeat the Mimics represent the other conspiracy theorists and truthers in the world. This is especially clear with the doctor’s character, as he is someone who previously enjoyed status and access to the corridors of power but was excluded when he dared to speak out about the awesome power wielded by the Mimics. Furthermore, an interesting additional twist on this Cage-as-conspiracy-theorist subtext is that he has to die to maintain his power. If he lives, the Mimics win. So this also mirrors the irony of the state of the conspiracy theorist — whenever one of them, or somebody they consider to be a whistle-blower, is injured or silenced they use it as proof of the conspiracy and their power grows. Whenever they simply carry on doing their thing and are allowed to do so, people lose belief in their conspiracy because, after all, if they really were speaking truth to power, who would let them live? Compare for example the furore over the death of Dr. David Kelly during the run-up to the Iraq War (2003 edition) with the widespread incredulity and indifference expressed by most people towards David Icke or Alex Jones. So the idea that the Mimics need Cage alive in order to stop him is a perfect match for the tactics posited by conspiracy theorists about this cabal at the centre of world affairs — they hide in plain sight and silence with ridicule or exclusion rather than violence.

The false vision of the Omega hiding in a dam is interesting. It implies both misinformation and also the idea that some leaks are engineered in order to create desired outcomes. So, to use different proper nouns, the cabal leak information that supposedly incriminates them to a conspiracy theorist but, when he investigates it or follows up on it, it turns out to simply have been a waste of his time, energy and resources, exhausting him and also making him look foolish to his peers and superiors. After this misinformation has sidetracked him, what must he do? He must go to the very people he believes he is fighting for, i.e. the political and military power structure that are in place to protect ‘the people’ and further the interests of the nation. When he goes to them with his story, he finds out two things: first, they have the power to locate the Omega but either don’t know how to use it or are choosing not to and second, when he convinces them to let him use this power for the good of humanity, they hand it over but then use that as an excuse to call him a dangerous thief and traitor and have him captured by their troops. When they capture him, and this is also important, they do exactly the same thing that the Mimics wanted to do, which is keep him alive. They put him on an IV drip and by doing so they take away his power. So in actual practice, the governmental structure and the cabal function according to the same agenda and modus operandi. Very interesting stuff.

Now he finds the Omega and it is hiding under a glass pyramid. This imagery is self-explanatory. I will only add that the Omega itself is effectively an eyeball of glowing light wrapped in tentacles, hiding under water. The fact that the Omega is hiding under water in both the false location and the real one also point to the idea that when the cabal leaks information about itself, it does so with no small amount of accuracy, in order to better hide the actual truth. Furthermore, the association of water with the feminine, the mystical and the self all link in with the numerous accusations levelled against the Masons and others like them, saying that they are really just a goddess-worship cult, a bunch of pseudo-mystics secretly gathering to connive against the rest of humanity and, most of all, in the literal practice of Masonry, individuals deeply involved with focusing on and ‘improving’ themselves. Water, water and more water. This association of a malevolent force with the symbolic representation of the feminine also ties in with Tom Cruise’s other film Oblivion, in which he basically fights a gigantic alien vagina that represents his mother. So maybe he has some issues with women, or maybe he just says yes to films that have issues with women without realising he’s doing it, much like I’m sure that the writers of this film didn’t necessarily intend to make a parable of rebelling against the international banking elite and their embedded Masonic protectors within the power structure of national governments.

Cage now races to Paris and crashes the airship through the Arc de Triomphe, which, and you don’t have to take my word for it, is a deliberately rich piece of Masonic symbolism itself. The ‘three doorways’ structure of it, with a large central doorway matched on either side by smaller doorways, is used in many major cathedrals and governmental buildings and is also a part of Masonic ritual. The conspiracy theory is that structures of this type constitute a secret code by which Masons can recognise the works of those that came before them with similar intent. So the final step before breaking into the pyramid and destroying the Omega is for Cage and Rita to destroy this symbolic structure that represents the transmission of secret knowledge over time within a closed group of like-minded individuals. Then they break into the glass pyramid, which inexplicably contains the Omega which somehow tunnelled under it deeply enough to hit groundwater but without breaking the glass earlier. The pyramid collapses and, in the climactic moments, Cage dives deep into the water to blow up the Omega even though it kills him in the process. This ending is also very important. One of the biggest themes in Masonry (and many other esoteric schools) is that of duality. The classic Masonic black and white tiled floor design is an example of the incorporation of this duality into the design of buildings and rooms. All things come with their opposite: day and night, hot and cold, fire and water. Cage uses grenades to blow up the Omega under water. Fire and water. This decision kills him but at the same time creates the conditions for his own rebirth — life and death, the ultimate duality, or, more specifically, death and rebirth, which is to say, using esoteric terminology, the material death in order to achieve spiritual rebirth. Cage awakes to a new day (another theme in Masonry) and finds that he has started all over again but this time even earlier and without an enemy to fight. This leaves an ambiguous feeling in us, as we are not quite sure whether the Mimics have been defeated or are merely using him now to further their agenda.

So there you have it. Edge Of Tomorrow is actually a film about trying to expose and destroy the cabal at the centre of world affairs so strenuously pointed to by conspiracy theorists everywhere, and it charts a pretty accurate picture of the process required to achieve that goal while also making clear the ambiguity of any supposed victory over them, as it would by necessity involve the suspicion that they had only somehow gone deeper underground to lick their wounds and plot further misadventures against mankind.

And that’s the movie you didn’t see.

