Be a part of our MUFF.

The MUFF Society
Published in
1 min readJan 1, 2015

Given how goddamn hard is is for women to make it in the film/television industry (um, any industry, really), all of their achievements (in front of or behind the camera) should be celebrated. Like our monthly screening events, this blog serves to further the celebration and we want to make it a collaborative effort. That’s where you come in! We want to share the movies and television shows you love and the women who make them awesome with our entire community. Spread the love, like they say.

What we want.

We aren’t a review site; there are tons of those out there and we want to do something different. You know how when you’re with a friend and they’re telling you about this amazing film that you HAVE to see and they’re so excited you almost want to leave immediately to go see it? We want that passion, the intimacy of sharing something you love with good friends.

If you’d like to contribute.

Please email us ( with some writing ideas and your Medium username. We will provide you with a Style Guide and add you as a Writer to our publication. Easy peasy!

