Harrison Twp police kept busy through the past weekend

Officers encounter drugs, drunk driving, theft, and vandalization via milkshake

Sean Devlin
The Mullica Hill Sun
3 min readJan 17, 2018


The following reports are all on file with the Harrison Township Police Department:

On Jan. 12, Ptl. Christopher Cartella and Ptl. Katelin Macken were conducting traffic enforcement operations in the area of Mullica Hill Rd. and State Highway 55. They observed a vehicle with suspended registration and conducted a motor vehicle stop. Upon speaking with the driver, a 35-year-old Mullica Hill resident, Cartella detected the odor of marijuana emanating from the vehicle. After removing the driver from the vehicle and speaking with him on the side of the road, he admitted that there was marijuana in the
storage compartment of the driver’s side door. Cartella and Macken recovered a sandwich baggie containing marijuana and a plastic cigar tube containing burnt marijuana roaches. The suspect was transported to Police Headquarters, where he was processed, charged criminally with possession of under 50 grams of marijuana along with several motor vehicle
offenses. He was released pending a Harrison Township Municipal Court date. Sgt. David Marro assisted Cartella and Macken with the arrest.

On Jan. 12, Ptl. Greg Germscheid and Sgt. Andrew Thomas were dispatched to the 100 block of Fellowship Lane for a residential burglary. The resident advised that sometime between 1300 hours and 1900 hours on that date, unknown actor(s) forcibly entered his residence by breaking the window pane out of the rear door to the residence. The resident further advised
that the actor(s) removed $50.00 in U.S. currency from his bedroom. Finally, he advised that other than a couple of dresser drawers being open, nothing else in the residence was disturbed. This incident is still under investigation.

On Jan. 12, Ptl. Kurt Pflugfelder was conducting traffic enforcement operations in the area of Stephen Sweeney Way and N. Main St. At this time he observed a vehicle drifting in and out of its lane of travel. A motor vehicle stop was conducted and Pflugfelder detected an odor of alcoholic beverage when speaking with the driver, an only occupant of the vehicle, a 66-year-old Mullica Hill resident. After performing poorly on standardized
field sobriety tests, the driver was taken into custody and transported to police headquarters for breath testing. The driver subsequently submitted to the breath test and was found to be over the .08 percent BAC legal limit. He was charged with driving while intoxicated, reckless driving,
failure to maintain lane, and failure to exhibit a valid registration. He was then released to a sober party pending a Harrison Township Municipal Court date. Sgt. Thomas assisted Pflugfelder with the arrest.

On Jan. 14, Special Officer Nicholas Pastic responded to a residence in the 200 block of Shetland Way for a report of criminal mischief. The resident advised that sometime between 1730 hours on Jan. 13 and 1000 hours on Jan. 14, unknown actor(s) threw eggs and a strawberry milkshake on his vehicle while it was parked in the residential driveway. Pastic was assisted by Ptl. Cartella and Ptl. Macken on this incident. The
incident is still under investigation.

