‘Mullica Hill Gives Back’ blood drive on July 27 seeking donors

American Red Cross calls on residents for emergency need

Kristen Dowd
The Mullica Hill Sun
3 min readJul 13, 2018


Michael Meiskey has made a habit of donating blood.

The Mullica Hill resident first donated nearly 20 years ago, and he’s been doing it ever since. But despite these regular donations and all of the people he has potentially saved — one pint, after all, can save up to three lives — Meiskey still wanted to do more.

“It’s just one of those things I’ve done as a way to give back a little bit,” Meiskey said. “I realized on the (American Red Cross) website they had an opportunity to be a coordinator, and I thought that was a chance for me to help out even more.”

On Friday, July 27, the “Mullica Hill Gives Back” American Red Cross blood drive will be held from noon to 5 p.m. at Robert W. Mills Post 452, 141 N. Main St. The drive is coming at a crucial time since the Red Cross issued an emergency appeal for blood on July 9.

“This is because we have fallen below the level of having a five-day supply of blood products at area hospitals,” Alana Mauger, communications manager for Red Cross Blood Services for the Penn-Jersey region, said. “We are calling on anyone who would consider donating or who has donated in the past to donate now. Patients urgently need blood products.”

Summer is historically a challenging time for blood collection, but this season has been particularly tough, according to Mauger. The Penn-Jersey region, which covers all of New Jersey, all of Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania, had 1,300 fewer units than expected going into the Fourth of July holiday.

People like Meiskey are key in helping drive donations, especially in the summer when larger corporate, business and school blood drives are not taking place.

“It’s really critical. We want to host drives so it’s as convenient as possible to give,” Mauger said. “We rely on our community sponsors to step up and host drives. It’s so important right now.”

Meiskey hopes the drive on July 27 brings in at least 25 pints of blood.

“For a quick needle burn and a half hour of your time, you can save the lives of three or more people,” Meiskey said. “Not a bad way to spend a summer afternoon.”

Interested donors can sign up at www.redcrossblood.org with sponsor code “mullica hill community,” or by calling (800) 733–2767. There is also a free Red Cross donor app available in the app store. Walk-ins are also encouraged at the July 27 drive.

“We certainly welcome walk-ins. If they decide at the last minute they have time, we will more than welcome them,” Meiskey said.

There is currently a critical need for all blood types, although Mauger said types O+ and O- are especially needed.

“There’s no substitute for donated blood. Blood can’t be manufactured,” Mauger said. “The reality of it is (if supplies drop lower) hospitals will have to start possibly allocating where the blood products can go to who is most critical. We are not there and we hope not to be there, but that’s the reality. We want to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

As a veteran donor, Meiskey encourages anyone who has questions about the process to give him a call at (908) 391–6460.

“If anyone has questions about how a blood drive works or what happens during a blood donation, please tell them to call me,” Meiskey said. “I’ll explain to them what it’s like.”

While he doesn’t have too many people signed up yet, Meiskey is confident “Mullica Hill Gives Back” will be a success.

“We thank the community,” he said. “We know they’ll step up for us.”

Potential donors must be at least 110 pounds, in good health and feeling well. It is best to eat iron-rich foods, hydrate and rest well before donating. For more information on donating, visit the Red Cross website.

