Men vs. Women in Computing

Colten Henrie
The Mumblings of a Security Professional
1 min readNov 23, 2020

I was watching a movie recently where there was this particular computer encryption program that protected some sensitive data the protagonists were trying to get. The good “hacker”, saying that loosely, explained that the super encryption program was well written and was hiding all of the important data about the programmer who coded it. She said that in a male-oriented field, male programmers let their ego dictate much of how they write. She said that men want to have their name and style written all over their programs to show off how amazing they are. She also said that because that particular program didn’t have that, that it must have been written by a woman. Whether that is true or not, it is interesting to think about. Men are predominately egotistical. We like to show off, and I think that is a part of the male psyche since birth.

