A Gentle Reminder To Be!

mindful moments with Haji

The Muse Room


Where are you right now? Take a moment to note what you see. I see the lavender and daffodil hues of my sun lamp reflecting beautifully against my office wall.What do you smell? I am basking in the scent of the frankinscense that I lit an hour ago. An earthy aroma that remind me of home. Is it early in the morning? Are you bringing the day to a close? I am content and doing what I love the most writing, as I bring my adventurous day to a close. Here I sit behind a screen writing to strangers, kin, and friends alike. This is your gentle reminder to be breathe in. Indulge me please and do this exercise with me. One deep breath in… hold for five seconds. Slowly and gently release for seven seconds. Repeat this four times. I’ll do it with you too. Don’t worry about looking or feeling funny. This moment is a gift for you.


In Awe Of My Breath- a poem

When I recall the beginning of my existence

I remember it all started with a breath

my lungs expanding, taking up space

filling the moment with my existence

Just be

No need to reach

No need to strive for endless destinations

You’ve arrived

Peace be with you! I am grateful for your continued support.

You can find more of my written works by reading my latest poetry collection Ms.Muse



The Muse Room

creative entrepreneur . poetess . avid reader . music artist