My Song Writing Process As a Poet

learning and evolving

The Muse Room


Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

As a poet i’m still getting the hang of writing structured songs/raps.I didn’t know how much of a process that would be. Yes,I took chorus in high school however I was learning how to sing latin opera songs * go figure* I still remember this one for some reason. Out of all the things I could’ve took away from my high school education this is something I genuinely have no business remembering or use for. I mean when will this ever serve me?

Needless to say I didn’t think I needed to learn how to read music to sing. Now that I look back I don’t even know why I was learning to read music notes when I wasn’t even playing an instrument. Okay…okay so yes your voice in itself is an instrument. I understand the why now but I still remain perplexed.I wish I had paid a tad bit more attention then now that I’m learning to play the guitar. As of recent I have been writing my songs in the form of a free verse poems. There are rhymes throughout but I had no hook or chorus. I found myself just writing what I felt fit at the moment. There is nothing wrong with the way I write my…



The Muse Room

creative entrepreneur . poetess . avid reader . music artist