
Artwork by DYSPLA

DYSPLA has created a new publication on Medium called, The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic and edited by Lennie Varvarides and Naomi Folb.

This Pub is keen to exhibit the workings of the Neurodivergent* (ND) mind and curate the ND Aesthetic* (ND_A).

DYSPLA is an arts organisation based in London with a strong portfolio of Digital Art and Moving Image. We hope to make this Pub exciting visually and focus just as much on ‘text’ as an object as well as a ‘word’.

Meaning, this is the publication where art, essays and poetry can get along nicely.

We welcome people who see themselves as artists as well as writers, we want to celebrate the avant-garde and play with language and structure while keeping in line with Medium rules.

Basically, as long as you identify as a Neurodivergent Creative Soul, we want to add you to this publication. We won't edit your work, but we may change the picture and/or your formatting.

There are no other rules or guidelines to read.

Leave a message in the Comment section and we will add you to our new publication.

Welcome to our Movement.

Love, Lennie & Nim

For questions — E: lennie at dyspla dot com



Lennie Varvarides
The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic — MONDA

London-based dyslexic creative working in development. Founder of DYSPLA, founding editor @ The Museum of the Neurodivergent-Aesthetic.