How To Write For Us In 5 Easy Steps

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Artwork by Shay Press, commissioned by DYSPLA, Photography by Kazimir Bielecki, 2021

We began this publication in June 2021 after receiving Arts Council England funding to explore the ‘Neurodivergent Aesthetic.’ This term was first used in 2018 as part of conversations about the DYSPLA International Moving Image Festival, where we exhibited the work of over 20 Neurodivergent filmmakers and shared our ongoing research into the methodologies of Neurodivergent creatives.

This publication is home to Neurodivergent Creatives who want to experiment and subvert their creative practice and interrogate the way we make. The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic will curate the work of ND artists and writers and hopefully build new collaboration on and offline. Think of this publication as your online home and feel free to play.

Follow these 5 steps to join our artistic community of Neurodivergent Practitioners.

  1. Create a free profile on Medium.
  2. If you would like to make money on Medium consider signing up for a $5.00 per month subscription.
  3. Add a photo to your profile, use your real name and write a bio.
  4. Click here and follow The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic.



Lennie Varvarides
The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic — MONDA

London-based dyslexic creative working in development. Founder of DYSPLA, founding editor @ The Museum of the Neurodivergent-Aesthetic.