Safety In A Screen

A metaphor of the escapism we learned as an autistic child growing up in a traumatic environment.

Vintage TV on a wooden table. Gray carpet underneath and a plaid striped background.
Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash
Poem Text: The darkness descended downward.
 Into a pit that left us sick. 
 What did I do?
 The gloomy air is so thick and hard to breathe.
 Nothing to bring me out.
 I can’t see. 
 Alas, some sort of light on a square screen.
 Flickering, Flickering
 Bright! Light, Light, Light 
 Illuminating the darkness.
 Will it be okay?
Poem Text: Stars and ships flying away.
 Carrying us to planets far away.
 The logic and Data was clear.
 This world? 
 Not here.
 The next world of aliens and wonders.
 Never alone, new things to discover.
 This little box with a flickering screen saves.
 Did it save us? 
 A trip to a galaxy far away.
 Through space and time.
 With creatures, aliens and tribbles.
 It was sublime. 
 A place away from all the fear.
 Yes, we found hope.
 Somewhere out there.

Image Text: The darkness descended downward. Down, Down, Down/Into a pit that left us sick./Confused./What did I do?/The gloomy air is so thick and hard to breathe./Nothing to bring me out./I can’t see./Blind./Alas, some sort of light on a square screen./Flickering, Flickering/Bright! Light, Light, Light/Shine! Shine! Shine!/Illuminating the darkness./Hope. Will it be okay?/Stars and ships flying away./Carrying us to planets far away./The logic and Data was clear./This world?/Not here.Next!/The next world of aliens and wonders./Never alone, new things to discover./This little box with a flickering screen saves./Did it save us? Yes…/A trip to a galaxy far away./Through space and time./With creatures, aliens and tribbles./It was sublime./A place away from all the fear./Yes, we found hope./Somewhere out there. Away./Faraway! Up! Fly! Up! Fly! Up!/Fly! Far beyond space and time. Ascending!



Tas (they/them)
The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic — MONDA

Tas is an autistic horror writer with a deep love for science fiction and body horror.