An innovative street gallery experience embedded in a community of high deprivation in North London



Artwork by Shay Press, Photography was taken by Kazimir Bielecki, 2021.

The mural displayed on the facade of DYSPLA founder Lennie Varvarides and Kazimir Bielecki's home was created by local Neurodivergent artist Shay Press. It is the first mural of its kind to be funded by Arts Council England in the Turkey Street Ward of the borough of Enfield, an area of high deprivation with little or no cultural activity.

DYSPLA is an award-winning disability lead London-based arts organization, focusing on developing and producing the work of artists who identify as Neurodivergent.

Having been inspired by the first Covid-19 national lockdown, creative duo Lennie Varvarides and Kazimir Bielecki launched WORDS NOT WALLS, an innovative street gallery experience exhibited over multiple locations within a two-mile radius of the Turkey Street Ward in Enfield. It is no secret that this part of Enfield is considered, “the wrong side of the A10.” This is why the duo wanted to work with their daughter's…



Lennie Varvarides
The Museum of the Neurodivergent Aesthetic — MONDA

London-based dyslexic creative working in development. Founder of DYSPLA, founding editor @ The Museum of the Neurodivergent-Aesthetic.