4 Vital Reasons Why User Generated Content is Essential for Your Content Marketing Strategy

Tevis Spence
The  MVP
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2016

In our modern day society, pictures and videos are crucial to our social media presence. We need evidence to prove that on our vacation we partied with Rihanna, or that while you were freezing in Canada I was relaxing poolside enjoying a mojito. The unwritten law of today is pictures or it didn’t happen, and for any content marketer this creates a goldmine of opportunity.

What is User Generated Content?

When a guest visits a hotel’s 5 star restaurant and they take a pictures of everyones food before they start to eat; this is user generated content. When a customer purchases the new Yeezy Boosts and takes a picture with their new pickup in front of your sneaker shop; this is user generated content.

UGC is content, like an image, video, or review that is created by your customers. This content is distributed on social media and shared with the world. UGC can be anything from an Instagram post, a Tweet, or something of more substance like a review.

Take a look at how Hamilton Princess Bermuda incorporates UGC into their content marketing strategy. They have created an Instagram page where they can post the best features of the hotel and the local attractions.

They also encourage guests to use designated hashtags so that they can find their posts and share them. This creates a unique connection between the guest and the hotel because they are encouraging travelers to share their experience at their property, in turn creating an authentic and transparent aura about Hamilton Princess.

Why UGC Matters for You

  1. Trust: UGC helps build trust in your brand. A customer doesn’t have the same financial incentives as employees, so their content is perceived as more trustworthy. Allowing customers to submit reviews and give their opinions on your products or services only helps your brand. Whether it allows you to reevaluate your product strategy so you can deliver better products, or it helps you find out what services are poor and should be discontinued. Regardless, allowing customers to create content appeals to the prospective customer because it creates an aura of authenticity for your brand that cannot be obtained otherwise.
  2. Endless Quality Content: UGC provides a fresh flow of content everyday, this helps because you do not have to spend hours creating new content because you can source the new content being shared by your customers on social media. This frees up time and allows you to focus your efforts on other daunting tasks the day may present.
  3. Feedback: UGC provides great feedback on what products or services are thriving, and which are not. By joining the conversation you can find out exactly why customers may or may not be happy, and give quick responses to their queries. Any customer appreciates when a company is swift in their response and to do this you need to be available by being on social media.

4. Visualize an Experience: UGC may help your prospective customer visualize themselves buying your product or service. Perhaps a person envisioning them self having a margarita while relaxing poolside is what they need to make the final decision. UGC will help create a comfort level between you and the prospective guest because of the authentic content you are willing to share. UGC will aid your content marketing strategy and will give the prospective customer two different perspectives to look from.

Overall, UGC can provide a great return on investment and help prospective customers to make a final decision on their purchases. UGC is essential to show the authentic and unique side to your business’ story.



Tevis Spence
The  MVP
Writer for

Third year political science student @WesternU. I enjoy being stylish, rap culture , the EPL, and obsessively googling everything. Twitter: @tevisanthony