How To Bring Out Your Inner Philosopher

The Master Philosopher©️
The  MVP
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2016

So you want to channel your inner philosopher huh?

Philosophy (n) is defined as:

The study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life

In Greek, “Philosophia” means:

“Love of knowledge, pursuit of wisdom; systematic investigation”

‘Philosophy’ = Philo (“love”) and Sophia (“wisdom”)

In the traditional sense a Philosopher is a “Lover of Wisdom”

‘Philosophy’ = Philo (“love”) and Sophia (“wisdom”)

Philosophy simply is:

Breaking things down to explore deeper meaning(s)

What Do I Need?

An Open Mind

Quiet/Ambient Sound




1. Ask & Pose Questions

Ask yourself questions, some topics:

Values (Virtues)

Beliefs (Existence of…)

Ways of Life (lifestyle, social norms)

The quality of question is very important. Asking more open ended questions is useful for more in-depth subjects.

​Phrase questions in different ways: different forms, exchanging words, asking in opposites. Be playful.

2. Think

Deconstruct the topic of choice. Reverse engineer the process. Using the 5 W’s: Who.What.When.Where.Why?

Philosophy is an active engagement, like hunting.

You are the hunter, and the thought/question is your prey. A hunter focuses, concentrates, breathes, experiences, keeps their eyes open for the kill.


3. Pick Apart The Thought: Mind Mapping

​Mind mapping: act of finding meaning, through definitions of words and concepts.

1.Take a word or subject, break it down, find/create your own definition.

2.Draw branches/circles to connect

Purpose: Finding truth through associations. Thinking for yourself.

4. Beware!

Some partake in philosophical discussions with others to:

  1. Engage, because they are genuinely interested


2. To attack others, and their arguments, to boost their own ego. By disproving an argument, some feel they have “won”. This is NOT true philosophy.

There is no room for ego in philosophy.

One needs to keep an open and objective mind, as much as they can.

To understand and find truth one needs to separate their emotions from the process.

Benefits of Philosophy

1.Find solutions to problems

2.Better communication skills

3.Better persuasive skills

4.Understand beliefs of others

5.Boost critical thinking skills

6.Helps form associations

Ultimately, it is up to YOU to define what philosophy is. These methods have been helpful for me, but you have the final say.

Most feel philosophy is challenging…they are correct.

Philosophy requires that one must devote thought and time to reflect.

By challenging your assumptions, you are better able to make decisions. Hence, a better quality life.

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The Master Philosopher©️
The  MVP

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍