How to change your life in the next 30 days

Bennett Garner
The  MVP
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2016

I can reinvent myself in 30 days. So can you.

It’s relatively easy to change your appearance. Get some different clothes. Cut your hair. Add tattoos or piercings if that’s the kind of reinvention you’re going for.

The hard thing to change is your inside. Who you are.

  • But you can change your insides.

The key to changing your personality is to change your habits and ways of thinking. That starts with what you do every single day.

If you want to become a different person, think of the traits, habits, and routines of a person you admire or want to be like.

  • What do they do when they wake up?
  • Do they read a lot?
  • Do they work out?
  • How do they eat?
  • Do they have bad habits like drinking and smoking?

I’m not here to judge who you want to become. But whatever it is, you’ll need to add those habits to your life gradually. Over time, your posture will change. So will your style of speaking. Your thoughts will also change.

The patterns your mind uses are changing.

Surround yourself with people who are like the person you want to become. This is the fastest way to reinvent yourself.

At first, nothing will feel different. The new habits will be odd. At the end, it still won’t feel different, but the habits will be casual and easy. You will have changed.

It’s the law of compounding effects. Do something enough times, it becomes more and more powerful.

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Bennett Garner
The  MVP — Build a coding career with meaning and purpose 💻 Top writer in technology ✍️