I Know What You Last Tweeted- The Evolution of Social Monitoring

Mash BR
The  MVP
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2016

I’m a believer in talking things into existence, if you say it enough maybe someone or something will hear you. What does this have to do with digital and social? Well I’ll tell you…

On Tuesday I was waxing lyrical about the need for a specific feature on probably my favorite social platform Instagram, and lo and behold as if by magic, the next day Instagram rolled it out…

Now obviously I am saying this tongue in cheek, but it did make me feel like the social gods were listening for a second and if I’ve learnt one thing this past week from the world of digital and social media, it’s just that…

Brands and companies are monitoring everything they can in more and more sophisticated ways. But before I delve further into social monitoring here are a few other things from the world of digital marketing that caught my eye last week.

Image via wersm

Instagram drafts may seem like a simple and small update but for anyone who uses the platform even moderately will be over the moon with this update.

Social deities if you’re listening, my next wish is to be able to upload directly to Instagram from a CMS, come on Mark you know its time!

Sticking with Instagram, a cool campaign that caught my eye this week was Land O’ Lakes “Delete to Feed” campaign. The cooking and baking brand will donate a 11 meals to the less fortunate for every food picture you delete from your instagram profile.

I’ve never seen the fascination with posting food pics but in this case I’m a fan. To find out more and help purge instagram of the millions of lets be honest, pointless food pics visit the Delete to Feed site

The Social Monitoring Invasion

The article that really got me thinking this week, was from what might be one of my top 3 favorite blogs The Hustle.

The post introduced me to the companies and technologies behind the more advanced form of social monitoring. It highlighted the ability it gave brands to become like “big brother,” with the scope in which they can now monitor your social media activities.

Some of the biggest global brands are moving away from monitoring via key words and hashtags and are now monitoring via locations, setting up whole zones or areas using geofencing technology.

They can set up zones anywhere in the world that they want and then collect all the “public” (accounts set to private can’t be seen) social posts shared in that targeted zone or area. Depending on your mindset this is amazing or the stuff of nightmare, but I digress.

Let me set the scene for you, its early Monday morning you’re running slightly late for the office and on your way out the train station you tweet the following:

Lets say Starbucks decided to set up a geofencing zone around the train station, they see the above and respond in real time, with a corny quip, a discount code and the location to their nearest store for you to purchase their latest newfangled coffee on the way to work.

Brands are already doing this, and the article gives some great real examples of geofencing social monitoring, with dedicated teams looking for tweets and posts just like the above.

The Marriott hotel group actually has control rooms around the world doing just this, allowing them to react in real time 24 hours a day to anything for good or bad, that could influence the perception of their brand.

The Hustle, Brands Are Quickly Becoming Big Brother With New Social Media Tech is my article of the week

For all things social and digital follow me on

Twitter: Mash BR

Instagram: @Wearemashbr

Or lets connect on Linkedin

Written By Haydn Corrodus



Mash BR
The  MVP
Writer for

Branding, Social Media, Events, Business Motivation.