How to Love Yourself and Others

The Power of Love

The Master Philosopher©️
The  MVP
7 min readJul 13, 2016


Gustav Klimt- “The Kiss”

Three of the most powerful words ever said. Love is a force. Love is the glue that keeps humans together. Anyone can say it, show it, or be it. “Love” can be said anywhere, anytime, in anyplace.

Power of Love

Due to recent events in the news, people are more upset, angry, frustrated, and confused than before. We are becoming more and more aggressive with how we attempt to solve our problems. Times have changed. Negativity seems to feed people, and we are malnourished. Negativity is consuming people, and they are stepping into a inescapable trap.

Problems cannot be solved and addressed with the same mindset in which they were created.

What is required is a new approach, a new shift in mindset. Resistance CANNOT be solved with more resistance. Fire CANNOT fight fire. Two negative atoms repel each other, and clash apart. Thus, violence CANNOT be solved with more violence. We MUST break this cycle of action.

How can we defeat violence, negativity, and hatred?

The light of love can defeat any force of darkness.

Without love, we don’t truly live. Love comes in many forms: love of self, love for others, love for animals, and more. Love can be playful. Love can be intense. Love can be simple. A compliment, a smile, paying someone’s overdue bill, cleaning the kitchen, planting a flower. Love can be complex. Love is doing what needs to be done. Love is timeless, love is eternal.

Love NEVER goes out of style.


When someone genuinely expresses love it gives one a feeling that is real and irreplaceable. Love makes us feel appreciated, noticed, important, and complete. Love says “You matter.” Love is not an afterthought, it is a priority. Love is a way of life.

Everyone has their own brand of love that they provide, unique to them. This is exciting! Because we ALL have the ability to teach and share with one another the kind of love that exists within us, and that we have received. Love can be tender, aggressive, quiet, loud, bold, subtle, and more.


“Love is patient, Love is kind”

Often we selectively give love, and offer it only to those we feel are deserving of it. But, true love is inclusive. Love can be our disposition, one that has the power to transform life itself. Love is a force of energy. A force that ripples through time and space. Love can be spread throughout the universe and is expansive. Love cannot be bottled. Love is fluid. Love flows and cannot be diffused. Love can grow. Love can shrink. Love is ever-changing, evolving. Love is dynamic.

Many times lust, manipulation, or confusion can be mistaken for love. Love can be masked as a illusion for hidden intentions. True love is not a game where there are winners and losers. We may love the “idea” of something or someone, but may not truly feel love. Love cannot be bought. Love cannot be forced.

Love gives. Love can exist in the harshest of conditions, and in the darkest of times. Love has the power to touch the hearts of others, down to their core. Love can pierce through and break down walls of pain, built up over years within our hearts. Love can heal.


We ALL have the ability to share love, it is a renewable resource in endless supply. We simply have to connect with our heart, mind, thoughts, emotions, and feelings to tap into love. Love is innately within us, before we are born.

Why do we love? Is it our natural state of being?

Love requires us to reach inside and share a part of ourselves, which can be difficult. Often we build walls, carry shields, and wear armor within ourselves for fear of others seeing us for who we really are. This can be a scary thought…“Someone seeing me for me?”

What if others don’t accept who I am?


One cannot love another person unless they love themselves first. Self-love is an special kind of love, without it, one cannot give their love to others.

Self-love is appreciation, forgiveness, and self-care.

Loving yourself means you are committed to YOU, through your best times, worst times, and everything in between. Loving yourself means being honest with YOURSELF, and asking for help when you need it. Self-love is accepting WHO you are, and accepting who are GOING to be. One has TO BE love, HAVE love, and ACCEPT love in their hearts before being able to truly pass it on to another.

One cannot give what they don’t have, love is no exception.

How can we love ourselves?

Self-love is looking yourself in the mirror and saying:

“I’m OK with who I am”

“I accept myself”

“Even though I may not like who I am, or what I do, I am open to change”

“I am valuable”

You are your own best confidant. Talk to yourself, coach yourself.

Love is trust, acceptance, honesty, vulnerability, and care.

If ALL humans lived their lives with LOVE as their #1 priority, our universe would change. Looking through the lens of love changes you. One has more acceptance, empathy, compassion, kindness, and heart-connection for others.

Let’s make love for ALL humans a priority.

Let us not separate ourselves from love.

What’s stopping us from living life with love as a priority?


Humans & Love are one, to which society has seemed to break the connection between. We ALL have a responsibility to give love, in whatever capacity we can.

“What if I don’t know how to love?”

Find someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who loves unconditionally loves you when you’re at your best, worst, most hurt, most in pain, most vulnerable, most poor, or rich. They love you even when you hate them. They love you when you don’t even love yourself. They love you when you push them away, and you know they’re still there for you. They love you just for being you. When you place the glasses of love over your eyes you see people for WHO and WHAT they are, and still accept them unconditionally.

Just love to love.

How can I love more?

Love your friends, family, enemies, co-workers, strangers, and fellow humans unconditionally. Love those who have different thoughts, ideas, and opinions from you. We all have the capacity to love. Therefore, we have the daily choice of choosing whether or not to share it. If we find ourselves distanced from love, we must re-shift our focus back to it. It simply takes awareness and mindfulness to assess if we are in state of love.

A Great Book I Recommend:

Real Love


1. Define YOUR love. (What’s YOUR definition of love?) Create a mind map.

2. Find out: What’s your love language?

3. Express YOUR love.


4. Raise your vibration of love. Music helps.

4. Create affirmations of love.


Questions to Ponder

How do you love?

Do you believe in love?

What color is your love?

Who’s someone you know that needs love?

What are the ways that you don’t share your love?

What are the barriers preventing you from loving everyone?

Are you addicted to the feeling or “idea” of love?

Are you stopping love from entering your life? If so, how?

Is love created or nonexistent?

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The Master Philosopher©️
The  MVP

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍